Tuesday 8 September 2015

If you liked it then you should have put a ring pull on it

There are little things that we don’t stop to ponder in life. The Ring Pull is one of them. Just think if they didn’t exist; how on Earth could we guzzle a cold can of pop or beer. We’d still be using churchkeys. I didn’t know what that was before Google politely informed me. It’s not limited to delicious beverages either, how much easier is food to access with these marvelous things. No need to strain with a can opener, your tomato soup or pineapple chunks are merely a yank away. Something I had always accepted was after opening a can of drink and slotting in a straw, your drinking implement inevitably rose out like a whale coming up for air. I learned the solution recently in spinning the ring pull around to the opening and using it like a leash. I was dumbfounded that I hadn’t noticed such a thing before. The effectiveness of ring pulls doesn’t stop once you’ve polished off that non branded fizzy liquid either, creatives out there have found a way to recycle an oddly shaped piece of metal into accessories you either love or hate; granted you have several hundred of them at hand.

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