Tuesday 8 September 2015


I've slowly become a fan of Martin Parr's photography, it feels like there's such an honesty in his work with geniune subjects and bright colours playing up this idea. Whilst reading through his 'Suited and Booted' series the description of one photo in particular caught me.


From his website:
Salaryman, Tokyo (2000)
Japan’s salarymen are well known for being hard workers and enthusiastic drinkers and socialisers. Here, one takes a well-earned nap in the spring sunshine of the city. The Japanese are skilled at falling asleep anywhere and programming their waking to resume duties.

My gap year is coming to an end and though I have been keeping myself busy with one thing or another it has been much more chilled than being in education. The first sentence of that description, I feel will ring true when I start university, it may well be a shock to the system getting back into a routine with more rigorous work however I am determinded to do all I can. As well as enjoy myself of course. In addition I too am also blessed/cursed with being able to fall asleep anywhere; I'm still deciding whether it's a good thing or not.

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