Friday 13 November 2015

Not quite up to par

It really is the small details that can change a perspective.

Having ambled around the estate for a fair while i was trying to pinpoint a place for the typography to go and it clicked when I properly stopped to look at the benches. There were twelve of them in this courtyard alone; more around the back of the buildings too. The majority of these benches had some kind of defect, something broken. Having spotted that and other aspects of objects that weren't quite right it felt as though this ideal of a posh neighbourhood was breaking down.
It bothered me more than it should have really.
Thus, there's my idea, I'm going to fix what's broken.

Two front slats missing
Middle slat missing
Bottom corner rusted out, how on earth.
Nothing wrong here, just love how it looks.

Cracked and missing stone
Missing stones

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