Tuesday 3 May 2016


A project for over the Christmas break


Not much to say about this one, other than it's me.

I wanted to keep it very persona
My surname in Polish means 'little tom cat'
Actually very pleased with how this turned out


On the Map

A brand new, unclaimed landmass has appeared, what becomes of it?


Landmass 10b


Our group turned the island into a haven for surveillance, information gathering and data stealing. Working together as the corporation of UPay, we spied on the other unsuspecting islands and collected as much info as we could in terms of what their uses would be; all the while working under a cover story. Profit is the main objective, with every effort made to outdo our competitors; to take their ideas and exploit them for our own gain.

Originally we had decided to focus on Landmass 10a, the other half to our island however this was deemed too small of a target and so our sights were expanded to the rest of the new landmasses and what they had to offer.

Visual Thinking



Final film 


 After much trial and testing the final cut for our video is done and can be watched here! Very happy with how it turned out and I really enjoyed the process of making this :)


Visual Thinking cont. cont.

Onto filming!


After much deliberation and head scratching we decided on a concept for the short film 


Having gone back to the drawing board once or twice we finally settled on an idea for the video. We took a disposable and refillable fountain pen and 'choreographed' a dance for them, showing the differences in their value and longevity.

Invisible thread was our dear friend in this process, it added so much in creating the illusion of the pens dancing together

Invisible thread definitely not picked up on camera, I absolutely loved how convincing this looked

Behind the Scenes, creating the dance

Master cameraman James Gowdy

Visual Thinking cont.

Just art students


Destroying a pen 101




Tearing off the nib

These alterations were an interesting experiment with very varied results. My favourite has to be tearing the nib off to gain access to the ink. We were able to create some some very delicate images with just the ink and water.


Visual Thinking



Disposable Fountain Pen 


As part of our Visual Thinking project we were given a disposable fountain pen to do with as we pleased. The most obvious route to take at first was to buy several of the same pen and do a heck of a lot of mark making.

Friday 13 November 2015

A couple of concepts

The General Gist

Moving on with the 'fill' kind of idea I've chosen two of the broken areas which could work quite well and experimented with the phrase 'Make Do Mend'

In terms of materials, I aim to have the type blend in with the natural surroundings as much as possible. If the target audience of this are the residents of the estate then I think they should know well enough what the area looks like to be able to spot something is different, if not then...that's okay too. 
The stone filler will be clay, I'll start by experimenting with that and try to find some more obscure materials to work with. Chicken wire and mud rock for example?
As for the bench slat replacement, I took some measurements of how thick the slats are as well as how wide the gap is; my aim is to have a snug fit so that the type is supported by the slats themselves. I'll experiment with balsa wood to begin with as a test and look at the possibility of using a darker and heavier wood, and then rough it up so it is not clean as a whistle. 

Of course the perspective on this isn't perfect as its drawn free hand but this gives a general idea as to how I'd use the typography to more or less completely fill in the broken stone and level it out.

Again, forgive the perspective, the real thing will be more accurate! I'm really liking the look of these and how they blend more into the background.